Monday, July 04, 2005

Rueda terms

Thought I'd post this again (I originally posted it on salsacity):

Dame una
Literal translation: Give me one
Action: Man collects the woman on his right and brings her across to his left for a casino step.

Lit: Another
Action: Man does another Dame while the caller tries to think of an interesting move to call

Lit: Plug her in
Action: Man turns his partner then does 'dame' while waiting for the caller to think of an interesting move.

Enchufla doble
Lit: Plug her in twice
Action: Man half turns his partner, turns her back, then does enchufla, while hoping that the caller will think of an interesting move soon.

Enchufla por abajo
Lit: Plug her in downwards (I'm not making this up)
Action: Man turns his partner then moves left to collide with the man on his left who has forgotten what 'por abajo' means

Dame dos
Lit: Give me two
Action: Man runs like hell to the next woman but one in an attempt to get to her before the man on his right who has forgotten what 'dos' means

Ochenta y ocho
Lit: Eighty-eight
Action: Man follows a figure of eight around the two women to his right, starting by going in front of the first, then starts again and collides with a man on his right who can only count up to 8 in Spanish

Lit: You really don't want to know what this means in colloquial Spanish
Action: Man pretends to have sex with the woman on his left (you've probably now guessed what this means in colloquial Spanish).

Lit: Bayamo is a town in Cuba
Action: Man tries to look as if he knows what he's doing while hoping that the woman can remember this move without waiting for him to lead it

Lit: Sit her down
Action: Normally called as the track ends. Two thirds of the men sit their partners on their laps while the other third do a completely different move called 'setenta'.

1 comment:

Ricky Clarkson said...


I like the one about counting to 8 in Spanish.