Getting Sarah to come to Risa last night meant it was two days rather than six months : ) I wasn't feeling quite as inspired as Tuesday, but this was my third salsa night running. We still had really good fun, though - at one point we had the whole of the raised floor area to ourselves so we could do some really silly stuff. It's not just that Sarah is a great dancer and a really good follower (which she denies) but she's also willing to try anything and treat it as a joke if it goes wrong. Good thing with some of the daft moves I try and make up when I'm dancing with her.
No Kate : ( so I ended up calling a rueda myself with the other Sarah, Jordy, and a good woman dancer whose name I've forgotten (sorry). I really need the practice: I think I averaged about one call every four measures, so it wasn't the most exciting rueda ever. Positive things were that I think I managed to time all the calls right, and I actually managed to call setenta and do the move correctly.
Getting a bit too old for three nights running - I'll have to spread it out next week.
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