Monday, May 22, 2006


...are quite handy for salsa 'revision'. I sometimes forget important details of moves, or add in bits I shouldn't have. I couldn't work out what I was doing wrong with this move until I remembered I'd asked Sue to film Sarah and me after we learnt it at Andy's advanced workshop last year. (Turns out I'd added a superfluous half turn).

Yes, I went off line a bit there, but at least it's not as embarrassing as this which was filmed three years ago after I encountered a fellow salsa fanatic at a training event. I was pissed but that still doesn't excuse my elephant steps and flailing arms - as you can see Karen managed to stay perfectly elegant and poised despite the booze and my unsubtle lead.

(You need the QuickTime plugin to see the video clips).

1 comment:

Tom said...

Thanks Sweavo. The second sequence was free dancing rather than just practising a move, and I was extremely relaxed ; ) Also it's edited down to include the best section - I found the unedited version the other day and I certainly wouldn't put that on public display!