Monday, June 06, 2005


Got to Angus Peters' class at Bristol Golf Club last Thursday - only a 40 minute drive from Canton (and yes, I was sticking to the speed limit). The dance floor was a bit small and there weren't that many people there, but you could tell right from the warmup that it was going to be a good class. Angus' warmups and footwork are funky but easy to learn. And the class was as good as expected: very clear and structured, focusing on the key points for each move - I managed to pick the sequence up despite being in a post-migraine daze. Nice to have some new moves to bring back to Cardiff. Unfortunately I'm away the next week he's teaching there, but the plan is to get to Torquay on July 2nd for one of his regular Saturday workshops followed by dancing.

Not many people stayed around for the free dancing, and I wasn't really on form. Trying out new footwork in new shoes after a migraine isn't a good idea, as I discovered when I tripped over my feet and toppled into my partner. Fortunately the dancefloor was empty, the lighting was low and she reckoned that if she hadn't been watching my feet she wouldn't have realised it was a mistake!

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