Tuesday, July 13, 2004


O'Neills was great last night. Got there at half eight and wished I'd joined in the class - it looked like a neat, leadable turn pattern. And John played excellent music. Only thing was I was stuck at the bar waiting for some desperately needed rehydration while a couple of the best tracks were on, and then as soon as I got back on the dancefloor he'd slowed it down again. Lots of people there, including plenty who I enjoy dancing with.

Unfortunately I had to leave early because my dodgy wrist was complaining. I could dance all night with it if I just danced with people I asked, but a couple of dances with, er, less subtle partners who asked me started it off. It's a shame there isn't a tactful way of turning people down (particularly as these are women who I like and would happily dance with usually) without causing offence: I can miss one dance by saying I'm giving my wrist a rest, but can't then really go off to dance with someone else.

Perhaps I need another tactic. There are a couple of guys who I know Number One Dance Partner hates dancing with, and if I see them heading in her direction, I'll just happen to ask her for a dance first to save her from them. Maybe I'll try and get a couple of my own 'rescuers' primed...

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