Monday, October 12, 2009

Thursdays and snakes

Looks as if the new Risa (it's now called the Music Hall) will really be back this week. To celebrate Tony and Daniella are down to do bachata and advanced salsa and Kate's doing a rueda class. Looking forward to it.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I'd been told that one woman's style was "like dancing with a bag of snakes...on heat". People have been trying to work out who it was, and at least some of them have got it wrong. I should point out that It wasn't really a criticism, more an expression of wonder.

The woman concerned is a talented dancer and very exciting to dance with, you just have to expect the unexpected because you're never quite sure how she's going to interpret your lead or what she's going to do next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it wasn't a criticism at all - she's fantastically good fun to bachata with and I'd imagine she leaves every unattached male she dances with weak at the knees