Thursday, January 27, 2005


Monday nights are definitely picking up. Loads of nice people to dance with this week: extending it til midnight was definitely a good idea, even though staying til midnight wouldn't be (well, not if you've got the deadline I'm trying to meet this week).

Welcome reappearance - on a flying visit - of someone I used to dance with regularly, even though she was amused by being a bit rusty: at one point I did a move that involved walking her round behind me, turned to pick up her hip only to see her doubled up with laughter about six feet away. I didn't think my leading was that funny. Fortunately there was plenty of space so we weren't dancing near anybody.

I also danced with a very talented beginner (on Keith's recommendation - good to see him back on the scene). It's amazing how some women 'get' following immediately. She'd just done the one lesson but will obviously be a very good dancer with a bit of practice. What will complicate matters for blogging purposes is that she shares a first name with two of Cardiff's most talented dancers.

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