Tuesday, June 22, 2004

You're on Candid Camera

Scary but instructive to film yourself free dancing. It's actually incredibly useful, and if your ego will put up with it I'd recommend it to anyone. It's good at affirming that at least some of my moves look good, and at picking up the ones that I really need to practise or abandon.

I found that I lean forward too much (Charlotte had already told me about that one), that I look a prat doing shines (which she'd tactfully implied rather than stated), that I still move my arms about too much and that my LA footwork needs more precision. (Andy had already told me about the last two, but somehow seeing it on video is much more convincing).

The most interesting thing I spotted was that even though I'm not a Cuban dancer I seem to look better doing Cuban moves. Which is an incentive to head to Callaghan's again next week.

At least I looked a lot better than in the sneaky video which someone shot of me dancing while drunk at a conference a year ago. That video was really useful, though - it made me stop doing elephant strides and spend an evening in front of the mirror concentrating on SMALLER STEPS as Andy had been telling me for at least a year and a half...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

_Everybody_ looks a prat doing shines.